Do you allow yourself to enjoy what you’ve earned, or do you tend to push the goal out further?
Do you look deep within yourself for answers, or do you ask everyone else what they think you should do?
Do you allow yourself to feel the feelings you have, or do you tend to manage them according to situations or people?
Sometimes, using what you have isn’t so much about not looking for something to fill us up but more about trusting that you already know what you need to know, have what you need to have, are feeling what you need to feel, and are right in the middle of something you once longed for.
Accessing that inner knowing requires stillness and silence, which is not an easy acquisition these days. But even if you can insist on giving yourself five minutes – or one minute – to ask yourself (or God), “What do I need to do right now?” Then listen to your inner knowing; I promise you that thoughts, insights, messages, ideas, and direction will come. At first, they might be jumbled. At first you might have other voices and ideas telling you it’s all crap. At first, one voice might say, “Be grateful for what you have, you have enough,” while another voice says, “Set new goals! Climb the next mountain! More is better!”
It’s okay, it will get easier.
“What do I need to know” is a powerful question – a practice – to ask yourself, especially when you start to truly use what you already have inside of you.