Ted Lasso’s Biscuit Recipe & Stuff I Love


Hello again 🩶

This week I am venturing into the wellness and recipe section of my blog! Some may say I have too many things going on in my blog, but I am 50 years old (insert Sally O'Malley's SNL kick) and I can do whatever the hell I want! Plus, I love to cook and bake. And you get the bennies!

My oldest son, Freddy, and I, love Ted Lasso so much it hurts 🥹Sometime during season one I decided to find the "Biscuits with the Boss" recipe. Since then I have made these a thousand times (my boys just love them) and tweaked the recipe to perfection. I have shared it below!

I think part of wellness is balance. So, HAVE THE BISCUIT.

Enjoy the read!

This site, blog, and shop are all just about fun things that I like and thoughts about life. It's about sharing stuff to love. I hope you love reading it as much as I love writing it.

Brooke 🪶


Made these this morning just for you!
Made these this morning just for you!
Finely sifting the flour and salt is a key tip for extra fluffy biscuits.
Finely sifting the flour and salt is a key tip for extra fluffy biscuits.

TEd'S BISCUITS (tweaked and upgraded)

First thing to know: this is a very simple recipe. You can literally make it with just flour, butter, powdered sugar, and salt. That is how I started! But then I experimented with using granulated sugar instead of powdered, added a dash of vanilla, and added a bit of cinnamon on the top.

Granulated sugar, I've found, makes the biscuit just a tad bit chewier/more moist. If you prefer a dryer, more traditional shortbread biscuit, use 3/4 of a cup of powdered sugar instead of granulated, and leave out all the other extras. I've also found that the longer I refrigerate, the less chewy and gooey they are.

These little beauties get better each day! This is because the butter has a chance to settle. And I can't emphasize enough how important using good butter is. That is not just the Francophile in me, it's a necessity!

Most of all, they are so fun to give -- seeing the look on people's faces after the first bite is just the best! They all look like Rebecca (Ted Lasso) did whenever she bites into the first biscuit of the day!

I hope you love!


Ted's Biscuits Recipe Card
things to love collage 102024

I love to share things. 

A day doesn't go by that someone doesn't say, "Hey do you know where I could find...?"

So, I'll find great stuff and send it your way, cool? You can also look through my favorite finds on Instagram @sharingstufftolove or at my ShopMy store here.

Here are a few things that you can't live without if you're going on a biscuit binge or, just love you some wholesome TL with descriptions below!




Here are a few things to love while making Ted's bisuits!

1. Freddy says that I couldn't POSSIBLY give these amazing biscuits to others in a plain old Ziplock. So off to the internet I went, is search of the little pink boxes that Ted lovingly packaged his biscuits in to give to his boss, Rebecca each morning. You can get them here!

2.  When I need inspiration, my little "Ted with Biscuits" Funko Pop! encourages me to be a goldfish. This is such a great gift! Again I must brag on my boy, he gave me one of these and it sits so sweetly on my desk 🥹  You can get one for yourself or someone else here.

3.  I'm sure you already have a Kitchenaid mixer, but in case you don't, I'd like to put in my vote for the super simple, small Artisan version. There are so many choices and a gazillion colors, but I really think simpler is better if you're truly going to use it (although it does look so lovely siting on the kitchen counter!) This one doesn't have lots of bells and whistles and it doesn't take up a ton of room. It's perfect. And you can't go wrong with classic white! Get yours here.

There you have it! Enjoy all of your new goodies! 🩶

Look at all that fluffy whipped butter! YUMM
Look at all that fluffy whipped butter! YUMM

B R O O K E ' S  B O O K  C L U B 📚

Of course I was going to choose a Ted's quotes book!

The thing is, he has a lot of good stuff to say.

Here is my favorite...

The quote “Be a goldfish” is from the episode (fittingly) “Biscuits." In the episode, Ted Lasso says this to Sam Obisanya after Sam makes a mistake during a practice play:

"Be a goldfish. You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It's a goldfish. It has a 10-second memory. Be a goldfish."

The quote is a piece of advice to learn from mistakes and move on, rather than dwelling on them. The "goldfish mindset" is the idea of not letting a mistake or defeat rule over the rest of one's time.

Book Rating:  ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Believe Ted Lasso Quote Book