Use What You Have – Day 6

Use What You Have - Day 6

You have more than you think.

One of the most incredible things about human resilience is our ability to adapt. When we stop long enough to take inventory, we realize we’re already equipped with everything we need. Don’t let life convince you you are running out – of whatever you think you’re missing. Here is a small list of things you already have, in case you’ve forgotten!

Skills & Strengths – You might not have a degree in management or leadership, but if you’ve ever navigated a tough conversation, managed a crisis, or juggled life’s many roles, guess what? You are a leader.

Time & Energy – Maybe you don’t have an hour to work out, but you have five minutes. Maybe you can’t meditate for 30 minutes, but you can take three deep breaths.

It all counts.

Community & Connection – You don’t need a massive network. You just need a few people who remind you that you’re not alone. And if you don’t have that? Be that person for someone else.

Lent is about making space for what matters alongside some deep self-reflection. It’s about choosing presence over perfection. Gratitude over grasping. Enoughness over endless striving.

What’s one thing you can use right now?
