Sharing Milestones & Stuff I Love


So glad to have you back 🩶

I wrapped last week with some major milestones: my boys turned 16 and 20 and my youngest got his driver's license. My days have now expanded by many hours. It feels amazing and strange all at once. But, it has also given me a new opportunity to think about what I want to do next in life (other than move to France, that is.)

Every week I hope to add a little more to my blog, but try to be patient with me - I am teaching myself WordPress, MailChimp, ManyChat, ShopMy, SEO, Yoast, Tailwind (Pinterest) 😰and, oh yes, I am still working on my Clinical Psychology degree! But, it's fun. It is sooooo much better than anything I have ever done before, and I know why...

I finally have autonomy and balance.

So this week, I am adding my book selection section. Reading has been my best friend since I was so little. I love that my mom taught me to love books and reading like she did. They are constant companions.

This site, blog, and shop are all just about fun things that I like and thoughts about life. It's really just about sharing stuff to love. I hope you enjoy! 🪶




Going to Paris solo was one of my greatest milestones!
Jardin du Luxembourg, Paris, June 2024
things to love collage 100524

I love to share things. 

A day doesn't go by that someone doesn't say, "Hey do you know where I could find...?"

So, I'll find great stuff and send it your way, cool? You can also look through my favorite finds on Instagram @sharingstufftolove or at my ShopMy store here.

Here are a few things I'm loving right now, or that I've recommended to friends and family this week, with descriptions below!




1. Tavi Pilates Socks. I may have a slight sock problem. 🧦🧦🧦  Am I alone? I love these half-calf grip socks from Tavi. The stripes and length make them cool, the tie-dye gives them some uniqueness, and the grippers on the sole are better than any other brands. Grab a pair or two here.

2.  Himalayan Salt Lamp Foot Warmer. Is this the best gift ever or what? My brother got one of these for me for Christmas a couple of years ago and my feet are on it EVERY NIGHT. Even in the summer because continual A/C and hard floors can make your feet cold. While he got mine at a tiny little spa in Spearfish, South Dakota (who knew?) you can get yours (for a fraction of the cost, I might add) right here.

3.  United Sodas of America. Like Jennifer Aniston, I will simply do whatever Gwenyth Paltrow tells me to do, period. She had these sodas on her blog a few years back and I have been addicted ever since. They are fun to buy too, because it's like putting a bouquet of flowers together! That's silly but I know you get it. The best news is that they are 100% organic, have only a mere 30-50 calories per can, and are one thousand times more delicious than LaCroix or Polar, or all the other sparkling waters. You won't regret it, get your reimagined soda pop here!

There you have it! Enjoy all of your new goodies! 🩶

B R O O K E ' S  B O O K  C L U B 📚

I just finished listening to Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano. I loved it. It made me wish I had sisters, or a bigger family. Although it was not a on-the-edge-of-your-seat story, it was just, well, beautiful.

It reminded me about what can happen when we close off, shut down, and don’t forgive. I finished it realizing, for me, it was time to let a few things go. I wish that was easy, don't you? Letting go is a process, though, and sometimes you just have to really feel stuff for a while before you can truly set it free.

The sisters in this story all go through this in one way or another, and I was inspired by the way three of the four of them counted on each other, unabashedly. As if there was no other way. The sister who insisted on doing things alone and by herself was certainly the one who struggled the most, and who missed out on the love, support, and companionship that was actually always there. This storyline really got me in the heart.

Beautifully, beautifully written.

Rating (as if I were an expert...😂):  ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Book - Hello Beautiful