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Perfection Pressure is a podcast about the cause and effect of perfectionism in high-performing individuals. Seen as a sign of strength, success, and achievement, perfectionism is idealized in most cultures. The results of living in this flawless way can be, at best, admiration and achievement, and at worst lack of joy, high-stress, anxiety, burnout, and depression, and most tragic, suicide. This podcast aims to discuss and share personal experiences, uncover the why, understand the drive, and talk about ways to manage perfectionism, high expectations, and the effects of both.

When was the last time you felt badly about yourself for not doing something flawlessly? For not looking flawless, for not saying the perfect thing, for not getting the ideal validation, for not getting a 100 or 100 likes or the perfect score? When was the last time that you looked in the mirror and didn’t find a flaw?

This podcast is about the effects the drive for perfection has on us. On our identity, our relationships, our addictions, our health, and our future. Hearing from others inherently creates an understanding, and from understanding comes growth and acceptance. Join Brooke Hamblet as she guides us through what might be the one thing that holds us back from our best selves: the pressure of perfection.

What is Perfection Pressure? Perfection pressure is, quite simply, the pressure to be, act, and appear flawless. Not just successful and admirable, but flawless. We expect it of ourselves and we often think others expect it of us. We also expect it of others, even though we often won’t admit it or we don’t necessarily realize it. We have little tolerance for anything other than these expectations, and because of this, we experience anxiety, burnout, and depression, and our relationships become volatile and fragile. What’s more, there is not a lot of help for perfection pressure, because people who lead these perfect lives are seen to “have it all together,” and seeking help for this issue is often perceived as weakness.